Members of a black family, from different generations

8AM - 4 PM




Our community is our family, and our community's health matters.


You're invited to attend the Black Health Fair & Wellness Summit!


Join us for free health checks, demos, expert health panels, massage & fitness sessions, info sessions and more.


Stay for giveaways, children's activities, food, and music for the family.


Free admission - all ages are welcome.

Two black teens

Dr. Candice Todd

Naturopathic Doctor &

Health Educator

Members of a black family, from different generations

Angela Robertson

Executive Director,

Parkdale Queen West CHC

Dr. Upton Allen

Head of Infectious Diseases,

Sick Kids Hospital

Members of a black family, from different generations

Dr. Isaac Odame

Haemotology Section Head,

SickKids Hospital






Ika Washington

Morning Panel Discussion

Dionne Sinclair | Moderator

Vice President Clinical Operations

& Chief Nursing Executive

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)


Dr. Notisha Massaquoi

Assistant Professor at University of Toronto Scarborough Department of Health and Society


Paul Bailey

Executive Director,

Black Health Alliance


Liben Gebremikael

Executive Director,

TAIBU Community Health Centre


Donna Fagon-Pascal

Vice-President, Human Resources, Talent Management & Communications, Dynacare


Nadine McKenzie

Lived Experience Expert


Morning Recap

Dr. Akwatu Khenti

Dr. Candice Todd

Dr. Dave Burt


Afternoon Panel Discussion

Moderator | Celina Caesar-Chavannes


Dr. Gervan Fearon

President, George Brown College


Angela Cooke


Dr. Carl James

Professor, Jean Augustine Chair in

Education, Community & Diaspora

Faculty of Education, York University


Dr. Na-Koshie Lamptey



Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit

(CABR) – City of Toronto



The Honorable Mayor John Tory



Adinkrafarm Consulting Inc.

– Quammie Williams



Afro Caribbean Cuisine

Wellness Testing  /  Dynacare


Vital signs exam /  Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario


COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine  /  Toronto Public Health - Black Vaccine Engagement Team






Diabetes & hypertension

Dr. Sean Wharton


Mental health

Dr. Adisa Azubuike


Breast cancer

Dr. Mojola Omole


Prostate cancer

Dr. Emmanuel Abara




Massage therapists

Kemba Samuel

Rudi Blackman

Rosalie Ntumba


Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and

Posture Expert

Dr. Nekessa Remy DC, RAc

The Chiropractic Office & Health Associates


Fascial Stretch Therapist

Andrew M. James

Fascial Stretch Therapist

Animal Flow - Regional Leader

FRC Mobility Specialist


Personal Trainer Specialist and Rehab Coach

Mathias Corridon


Nurse connector for older adult supports

Nicole McFarlane, RN

Care Concierge






Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Awareness Ontario (SCAGO)

– Victor Adeolu Oriola


Prostate Cancer

 The Walnut Foundation

- Anthony Henry and Andre Rose


HIV/ AIDS activist and advocate

African In Partnership Against AIDS (APAA)

– Yohannes Ayalew


Blood donation, Sickle cell anemia

Canadian Blood Services (CBS)

– Andrew Biteen


Anti-Black Racism

Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit (CABR)

– Kemba Byam


HIV and AIDS in Toronto’s African, Caribbean

and Black communities

Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention

(Black CAP)

- Jermane Hall





Children’s Corner

Events by Anieka


Canadian Multicultural

Inventors Museum

Francis Jeffers


Drumming and African Dance

Adinkrafarm Consulting Inc.

– Quammie Williams


Steelband performance

Mark Mosca Pan Trio


Socacize class


-Ayanna Lee-Rivears


Flow 98.7 Live Broadcast

with DJ Red

City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo

in partnership with

Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo
TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations



City of Toronto Logo
TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
City of Toronto Logo TAIBU Community Health Centre logo
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Members of a black family, from different generations
Two black teens
City of Toronto Logo